For Clinicians and Professionals
The Clinical Model
Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM)®
The Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM)® Training is designed to teach skills to individuals and clinicians helping children and adults with traumatic stress reactions. TRM focuses on the biological basis of trauma and the automatic survival responses that the human body uses when faced with perceived threat. Survivors often report a renewed sense of hope as the activities of daily living become easier to manage as the evidence-based wellness skills are incorporated into life as a wellness practice.
Upcoming Trainings:
TRM Level 1
TRM Level 1 explores the biology of fear and threat and the automatic, natural defensive responses that occur when faced with a life-threatening and/or dangerous situation. Most importantly, this model explores the concept of resiliency and how to restore balance to the body and the mind after traumatic experiences.
TRM Level 2
The TRM Level 2 training builds on the Level 1 training and focuses on working with trauma reprocessing in greater depth emphasizing a fuller understanding of the survival responses and how attachment theories are applied to TRM.
"Reflecting back on the TRM training, it became evident that this had not only been a practical, insightful workshop, but also a healing experience. Never before had I attended a professional workshop where there was such a sense of camaraderie, oneness, connection, and shared understanding. Thirty of us, all in the helping field in one way or another: a social worker aiding the homeless in Venice Beach, a clinician doing play therapy with children experiencing the effects of high-conflict divorces, therapists with private practices in the heart of Beverly Hills. One woman in particular stood out, a documentary filmmaker who explores the connection of humans in different cultures. She came to the training to learn skills to help the residents of the impoverished countries she visits. It was invigorating to share three days with these inspiring people, who were willing to be raw, vulnerable and open to doing their own work. Through our processing and learning of TRM together, we left instilled with the message that, "Adversity is not destiny."
- Katie Klein

For Everyone
The Community Model
Community Resiliency Model (CRM)®
The Community Resiliency Model (CRM)® is evidence-based and trains community members to not only help themselves but to help others within their wider social network. The primary focus of this skills-based, stabilization program is to re-set the natural balance of the nervous system.
CRM’s goal is to help to create “trauma-informed” and “resiliency-focused” communities that share a common understanding of the impact of trauma and chronic stress on the nervous system and how resiliency can be restored or increased using this skills-based approach.
Upcoming trainings:
CRM Workshops
CRM Workshops introduces the six wellness skills of CRM designed to help adults and children learn to track their own nervous systems in order to bring the body, mind and spirit back into greater balance, and to encourage people to pass the skills along to family, friends and their wider community.
CRM Teacher Training Program
CRM Teacher Training programs help create capacity in local communities. Communities throughout the world are encouraged to infuse their unique cultural lens in order to increase the efficacy of the CRM Skills.
CRM Videos
Listen to personal stories of how CRM has influenced people's lives.